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您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 溫度系列產(chǎn)品 > 美國Digi-Sense > 美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭
美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭

美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭

美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭
Designed to Give the Same Accuracy and Benefits of a Standard RTD Probe in a Compact Economical Design
Time Constant: 3 seconds or greater
Custom designs or changes to this pro





美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭

注:溫度范圍僅適用于探頭。如果探頭的級別高于手柄,取決于曝光時(shí)間、應用程序和處理材料,處理材料可能會(huì )受到影響。ABS處理是額定220°F(104°C);PVC處理是額定200°F(93°C);不銹鋼手柄額定在450°F(232°C);微型連接器是額定392°F(200°C)。

美國進(jìn)口Digi-Sense RTD溫度探頭

Maximum error for probe assembly is ±1.1°C + 0.12% of reading below 300°F, ±0.35% of reading above 300°F. Alpha coefficient is 0.003850 omega/omega/°C (DIN IEC 751). Resistance at ice point (0°C) is 100 omega. 

Note: Time constant is the time required to reach 63.2% of the new reading. To determine how long it will take to reach 99% of the new reading multiply the time constant by five.

Note: the temperature range is for the probe tip only. The handle material may be affected if the probe is rated higher than the handle depending on exposure time, application, and handle material. ABS handles are rated to 220°F (104°C); PVC handles are rated to 200°F (93°C); Stainless Steel handles are rated at 450°F (232°C); Mini Connectors are rated to 392°F (200°C).


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